Frequently Asked Questions
How do I look for a therapist?
When searching for the “right” therapist it’s important to remember, that not all websites, social media pages, or professional affiliations show the full spectrum of the therapists personality or abilities. I suggest thinking about why you want to begin therapy? What are you hoping to gain from seeing a therapist? What kind of person do you find yourself most comfortable with? Once you have an idea, browse through different therapists virtual platforms. Find 2 or 3 that match your needs, and schedule an initial phone call. Most therapist offer a free consultation call. Once you’ve spoken to all 3, determine who you think will be the best fit, and schedule a session. If you find you’re not connecting with them, try the next therapist on your list.
How do I know if you’re the right fit for me?
Therapy is a great place to make changes and heal. A large part of that change comes from your relationship with your therapist. Just like when you meet a new person and you get an intuition about if this new relationship will work. I suggest attending at least 3 sessions to work through your initial nerves before deciding if I am the right fit for you. My hope is to help, so if I’m not the right fit I will gladly help you find someone more suitable for your journey.
What does a therapy session look like?
A therapy session, whether it be virtual or in-person should be a safe space for both the client and the counselor. Therapy begins with you and I meeting face-to-face (virtually or in person). We will begin with a check-in, and then we move into the exploration of your goals. This can be processing past events, discussing current problems, or working on solution focused skills. Each session may be tailored differently to meet your personal needs. You may notice some sessions are easy and fly by, while others feel emotional and difficult to get through. It is completely normal to feel nervous prior to a therapy session, even after being in therapy for awhile. Talking about your life, emotions, traumas, and relationships, is difficult, but therapy is a place where you are able to be vulnerable. Therapy is not meant to be scary, but healing. Each session you will feel stronger, mentally, and emotionally.
What is your service agreement policy?
I understand that life happens, I request that you cancel and reschedule your session within 24 hours and no fee will be charged, unless it was an emergency. I also give a 15 minute late window, after 15 minutes it will be considered a missed session, and the full session fee will be charged.
Why don’t you take insurance?
Being an in-network provider limits the work we are able to do together. Insurance companies often have a specific number of therapy sessions you can attend and only allow for you to see specific therapists. I think therapy should go at your own pace, without any stipulations. Insurance companies have also declined claims after sessions have been held, leaving you with a large bill. I don’t want anything to get in your way of healing. That is why I am an out-of-network provider. Prior to your first session, I strongly encourage you to reach out to your insurance company to obtain information regarding your out-of-network benefits, reimbursement rates, telehealth coverage, and deductible. Many clients are pleasantly surprised to hear that their insurance company reimburses a significant amount for therapy sessions with out-of-network providers.
What should I do to prepare for my first session?
I suggest making sure you have privacy and are in a space that makes you feel safe and comfortable. I wouldn’t have anything scheduled for at least 15 minutes after your session. Have a glass of water near by, and if movement helps, something to fidget with. This could be a pen, hair tie, or anything that is small and easily moves through your fingers. Relax, and know everything will be okay.