Mental Health Therapy
What is Mental Health Therapy?
Mental health therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on mental health disorders and difficulty with emotional regulation. Seeking mental health treatment is nothing to be ashamed of. The same way a person with diabetes needs insulin, or a person with asthma needs an inhaler, our brain can need therapy. There are many different mental health disorders, below are the ones I am trained to work with.
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Do you struggle to complete tasks? Are you often overwhelmed of the thought of starting a new project? Do you start many projects at once, but fail to finish any of them? Have you always felt different, maybe a little too outspoken, or impulsive? Do you get overstimulated easily, but find yourself constantly seeking stimulation? Do you find structure in chaos? Do you do your best work when it’s crunch time? Do you procrastinate and often lose things? Is it difficult to read or follow along to a tv show or movie? These can all be signs that you are struggling with executive dysfunction, which is a part of ADHD. There are three different types of ADHD: Hyperactive (feels like you’re being ran by a motor, difficulty sitting still, hyper focused on various projects, impulsivity), Inattentive (daydreams, loses track of time, difficulty focusing on or sustaining tasks), and Combined (a mixture of Hyperactive and Inattentive).
Anxiety Disorders
Do you often feel anxious or nervous? Do you stay up at night worrying? Do you have intrusive thoughts that make you uncomfortable? Do you feel like you need to apologize for your thoughts? Are you fearful of death or dying? Are you constantly questioning you and your family’s safety? Do you pick at your nails, lips, skin? Do you have illogical or unhealthy routines that help you cope with your fears? Do you get stomach and headaches often? Is your appetite suppressed or are you overeating? Do you feel like you can’t turn your brain off? Does your chest feel heavy and it’s difficult to breathe? Are your muscles constantly tight? Is your jaw often clenched or are you holding your breath without noticing? Do your thoughts and fears keep you from attending activities you’d like to engage in? Do your thoughts and fears impact your daily life and relationships? Do you have racing thoughts? These may be signs of an anxiety disorder. There are many different forms of anxiety: Social anxiety, death anxiety, medical anxiety (hypochondria), generalized anxiety, panic attacks/disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and more. If you feel like you’re experiencing some of these symptoms mental health therapy may be helpful to you.
Do you feel empty or sad most of the time? Are you no longer able to enjoy activities you once found enjoyable? Are you sleeping more often or not sleeping at all? Are you struggling to eat or over eating? Do you feel like a burden? Do you have thoughts of wishing you weren’t here anymore? Have you isolated yourself from friends and family? Are you struggling to do activities of daily living (personal hygiene, pay bills, go to work/school)? Do you have periods of crying spells? Do you struggle to see hope for your future? Are you in a constant state of melancholy? Do you have to put on a happy face when out with others? Is it difficult to see yourself in the future? Do you hide your pain from others? If you feel like any of these symptoms relate to you, you may be struggling with depression, and mental health therapy may be helpful to you.
You’ve already done the hardest part. You acknowledged something didn’t feel right. You started to look for help. Mental health doesn’t have to be a life long sentence. You don’t have to struggle anymore. Reach out to see how we can work together to improve your mental health and get you on a journey to mental wellness. You’re no longer alone.